The Dow Jones surged by more than 800 points on Friday. Investors, meanwhile, focused on some notable insider trades.
When insiders purchase or sell shares, it indicates their confidence or concern around the company's prospects. Investors and traders interested in penny stocks can consider this a factor in their overall investment or trading decision.
Sidus Space, Inc. (NASDAQ: SIDU) shares jumped 225% to close at $4.68 on Wednesday after the company announced it is part of Collins Aerospace team which was awarded NASA's Exploration Extravehicular Activity services contract with a potential value of $3.5 billion.
Sidus Space, Inc. (NASDAQ: SIDU) shares surged 92.4% to $2.77 after the company announced it is part of Collins Aerospace team which was awarded NASA's Exploration Extravehicular Activity services contract with a potential value of $3.5 billion.
BitNile Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:NILE), a diversified holding company (“BitNile” or the “Company”), announced that earlier this month, the Company received $4 million from a 12.5% note and loan
In a week where we saw most market indices rebound sharply, insiders scaled back their buying after three weeks of elevated buying. Buying declined by 64% in absolute dollar terms and 26% in terms of the number of companies that saw insider buying.
Bitnile Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: NILE) shares are trading lower by 12.65% at $0.27. The company reported first quarter sales results were higher year-over-year during Monday’s after-hours session.
BitNile Holdings (AMEX:NILE) reported $32.80 million in sales this quarter. This is a 147.64 percent increase over sales of $13.24 million the same period last year.