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Watch For Followthrough

In sports, we talk about following through with your body to help achieve maximum performance with good form.  We witness this in tennis, golf, bowling and many team sports.  As a kid, my dad would tell me to always 'follow through' with a thank you note or phone call, as that other person is likely to remember a positive experience.


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To Make Money, You Need to Follow The Money

Wayne Gretzky was the greatest ice hockey player ever.  But he also had a silver tongue, his quotes served a purpose to explain his extreme passion for winning. Of my two favorites, Gretzky once said, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is.  A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." Now, you might ask how this relates at all to trading.


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Take What the Market Will Give You

Greed is very difficult to overcome. It's hard to know exactly when/where to take a profit, isn't it? I mean, we can stay with bullish trades for a very long time, so long as the conditions remain favorable to the bulls. But how many times have you had a nice gain, felt like you should (or are entitled) to gain more, and all a sudden it's lost into the sea of no return?