The Dow Jones jumped by around 197 points on Monday. Investors, meanwhile, focused on some notable insider trades.
When insiders purchase or sell shares, it indicates their confidence or concern around the company's prospects. Investors and traders interested in penny stocks can consider this a factor in their overall investment or trading decision.
Akero Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: AKRO) shares jumped 136.8% to settle at $29.05 on Tuesday after the company's Phase 2b HARMONY study met its primary endpoint for both the 50mg and 28mg EFX dose groups.
Comera Life Sciences Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CMRA) rose 41.7% to $2.72 in pre-market trading. Comera Life Sciences Form 4 filing showed multiple insiders purchased 122,600 shares at an average price of $2.03 - $2.07.
OpGen (NASDAQ:OPGN) shares rose 20.6% to $0.52 during Monday's after-market session. This security traded at a volume of 927.4K shares come close, making up 324.6% of its average volume over the last 100 days. The company's market cap stands at $25.0 million.