The Dow Jones closed lower on Wednesday. When insiders purchase or sell shares, it indicates their confidence or concern around the company's prospects. Investors and traders interested in penny stocks can consider this a factor in their overall investment or trading decision.
Ibio Inc (NYSE: IBIO) shares rose 162.6% to $1.97 in pre-market trading after dropping around 12% on Thursday. JMP Securities, on Thursday, downgraded iBio from Market Outperform to Market Perform.
The Dow Jones closed higher on Wednesday. When insiders purchase or sell shares, it indicates their confidence or concern around the company's prospects. Investors and traders interested in penny stocks can consider this a factor in their overall investment or trading decision.
SeqLL Inc. (NASDAQ: SQL) shares jumped 120% to $1.85 after dropping around 39% on Thursday. SeqLL recently announced the establishment of a two-year Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Original BARK (NYSE:BARK) reported quarterly losses of $(0.09) per share which met the analyst consensus estimate. This is a 25 percent increase over losses of $(0.12) per share from the same period last year. The